Mia San Mia
Mia San Mia. This piece is in honor of Bayern Munich's hard fought 2014/2015 season. the season was full of hard losses and fraught with injuries.
these are limited edition. there are 100 prints and that is all there will ever be of this. there will never be a reprint or a re-up. when they're sold out, that's it, they're gone.
from top to bottom the piece features: #ArjenRobben #ThomasMuller #ThiagoAlcantara #MedhiBenatia #JuanBernat #HolgerBadstubber #PepGuardiola #DavidAlaba #SebastianRode #XabiAlonso #JeromeBoateng #MarioGoatze #BastianSchweinsteiger #Rafinha #Dante #ManuelNeuer #RobertLewandowski #FranckRibery #PhillipLahm and the #Allianz #Bayern #BayernMunich #BaynerMunchen #DieRoten #TheReds